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  • Types: Swedish. Deep tissue. Hot stone. Couples Massage. (Prenatal massage+$10) 

  • Teen. Mama.

  • Signature migraine head/scalp massage.

  • Customized pain focus/massage.

  • Cupping therapy. 

  • Chair massage.

  • Deluxe Organic massage.

  • Deluxe Aromatherapy massage

  • Table Thai Massage:

  • Thai Massage is combination of stretching and deep muscle massage that increases flexibility and clears blockages in the energy channels.

  • Walking On Back Massage : 

  • Walking on back massage is now increasing it popularity among many people. This technique is performed in spas. For more therapeutic effects, the masseuse would ask you to lie on your stomach before he or she put oil on your back. Some might prefer to make use of hot towels to help you relax even more. The masseuse will starting walking on your back in patterns; this to locate pressure points, and release tension from it, thus gives a comfortable and relaxed feeling.

  • Add-on 30mins Facial:+ $35.[During the Express Refresher Facial, one of our expert skin therapists will cleanse your face, lightly exfoliate your skin to encourage the regeneration of new skin cells, apply a soothing mask, and gently massage your face to increase the flow of oxygen. Headache relief/scalp massage. Jade stone massage and hot towel are also included. After just 30-minutes, your skin will look refreshed and rejuvenated]

  • Add-on Cupping Therapy: $25.

  • Add-on Aromatherapy oil: $5/person :Lavender oil, Stress Relief oil, Deep muscle oil, Headache relief oil Anti-cellulite Lavender, Peppermint , Eucalyptus…

  • A massage can be customized according to individual needs.

  •  Feel free to ask for the pressure to be adjusted if it is too strong or too light for your liking during your session.

POPULAR Ladies Love / Mens Packages/or Birthday Treat /Personal Care Packages


  • (1) 30mins massage+30mins facial or foot reflexology +essential oil/stress relief oil+hot stone

=$75(+$5 pay card) 

  • (2) 60mins massage +30mins Facial +Essential Oil +Hot stone

=$99(+$10 pay card) 

  • (3) 45msmassage+15minsfoot+30mins facial (or 30mins body +30mins foot +30mins facial)+hot stone+ Essential Oil/stress relief oil

=$99(+$10 pay card) 

  • (4) 45mins massage+30mins foot+30mins facial+ HotStone+ Essential Oil/stress relief oil  =$120(+$10 pay card) 


  • (5) 60mins massage+30mins foot +30mins facial+ Hot Stone+ Essential Oil/stress relief oil =$130 (+$10 pay card) 


  • (6) 45mins massage+45mins foot+30mins facial+ Hot Stone+ Essential Oil/Stress relief oil =$130(+$10 pay card)


  • (7) 90mins massage+30mins facial +Hot Stone+ Essential Oil/stress relief oil =$130(+10 pay card) 

  • (8) 90mins massage+30mins foot +30mins facial+ Hot Stone+ Essential Oil /stress relief oil =$175(+$10 pay card)


INDIVIDUAL FULL BODY MASSAGE  Monthly/ Holiday specials 

(1)30-Min  Body Massage
----$49.99 now $40.
Regular:(includes neck, s houlders, arms, back)+free hot stone
or : 30mins customized massage
(2)45-Min Body Massage
—$59.99 now $50.
includes 35mins back (neck, shoulders, arms, upper back, lower back,+ hot stone treatment on the back)+10mins legs.
or customize massage: eg:45ms focus on the back.  or 30ms back+15ms foot. 
or 30ms back+15ms head/scalp face massage. 
or 30ms leg+15ms feet. 
Hot Stone included 
+$5 pay card. 
(3)60-Min Body Massage
—$75 now $60 for relaxing massage/or deep tissue massage or prenatal massage+$10.

Regular:(includes neck, shoulders, arms, upper back, lower back, legs, front head/scalp massage)+hot stone
or 60mins customized massage(eg: instead of head/scalp, have foot massage in 60mins session).
eg:45mins body +15mins foot(no head/scalp)  or 
50ms body +10ms foot("Head to Toe") 
or 30mins body+30mins foot. etc. 
Hot stone included 

(4)75-Min  Body Massage
—$90. Now $79.99.

Regular :
60ms body+15ms feet+ hot stone

  • 5mins oil-free whole body relaxation massage+35 mins oil back massage (neck, shoulders, arms, upper back, lower back with hot stone treatment on the back )+ 10 mins legs+10 mins head/scalp/face massage+15mins foot reflexology with hot stone treatment on the feet

  • customize your own 75 mins massage session (eg:45mins body+30mins feet)

+$5 for deep tissue. 
(5)90-Min Full Body Massage
“Head to Toe wind down”
$110. Now $89.99.

  • includes neck, shoulders, arms, back, lower back, legs, front head/scalp, face massage and foot reflexology)+hot stone 

  • customized massage eg:60ms body+30ms foot.

  • 45ms body+45ms foot.

30ms back+30ms head/scalp+30ms foot. 
60ms body+30ms head/scalp.
Hot Stone included. 
(6) 120-Min Full Body Massage
"Dream Body" 
-----$149.99. Now $120 pay cash.
(Relaxing full body massage with signature head massage and hands
& foot reflexology treatment)+hot stone. 


Couples Massage and Reflexology Massage Monthly/Holiday season Specials(Limited i 
& Couples Massage+Facial

cp(1) 30mins
cp(2) 45mins
cp(3) 60mins
cp(4) 75mins
cp(5) 90mins
cp(6) 120mins

[Upgrade to Organic Deluxe Massage :
—Add on Oil:
$5 for one person
$10 for two people
Organic aromatherapy massage/therapeutic oil (types: Deep muscle oil. Stress Relief oil. Headache relief. Anti-Cellulite. Eucalyptus. Lavender. Lemon. Ylang-Ylang. Rosemary. Tea Tree. Lemongrass… or organic Unscented oil)
CP(1) 30mins Couples massage
Total: $79($3
8/per person).
total is$89/if pay card.
Regular: includes neck, shoulders, arms, upper back, lower back+ hot stone.
or 30mins customized massage
Upgrade to CP(1)Deluxe Massage:  Add on essential oil for two Total: $90+$10 pay card($45 each)
Upgrade to CP(1)Deluxe CP Massage+Facial:(60mins Massage and Facial Deluxe Couples Package)
includes 30mins Massage+30mins Facial+Essential oil+Hot Stone for two:Total$150 +$10 if pay card.($75 each)
CP(2) 45mins Couples massage
Total: $99($49/per person) (total$110/pay card)
Regular: includes 35mins back (neck, shoulders, arms, upper back, lower back,+ hot stone treatment on the back)+10mins legs.
or customized (45mins focus on the back or
30ms back + 15ms foot reflexology+ hot stone
or 30ms back +15 mins head/scalp massage)
Upgrade to CP(2)Deluxe Massage:
Add on Essential oil total: $110 +$10 pay card.
Upgrade to CP(2)Deluxe CP Massage+Facial(75 mins Massage and Facial Deluxe Couples package) includes 45mins Massage +30mins Facial +Essential oil+Hot Stone for two:Total$190+$10 if pay card($95 each)

CP (3) 60-Min Couples Massage
Total: $120(+$10 if pay card) (call 7572090330)

Regular:includes 35 mins neck, shoulders, arms, back. 15 mins legs. 10 mins head/scalp/face massage+ hot stone
or Customize Your Own Massage( eg:45mins body +15mins foot or 30mins body+30mins foot)
+$5 for deep tissue. 
Upgrade to CP(3) Deluxe Massage:
Add on Essential Oil total: $130.
Upgrade to CP(3)Massage+Facial:
Upgrade to CP(3)DeluxeMassage+Facial:(90mins Massage and Facial Deluxe Couples Package) includes 60mins Massage+30mins Facial +Essential oil +Hot Stone for two: Total$200+$10 pay card.($99/each)

CP (4) 75-Min Couples Massage
Total:$149/cah, $160/pay card($75/per person) 
Regular :60ms body+15ms feet+ hot stone
(5mins oil-free whole body relaxation massage+35 mins oil back massage (neck, shoulders, arms, upper back, lower back with hot stone treatment on the back )+ 10 mins legs+10 mins head/scalp/face massage+15mins foot reflexology with hot stone treatment on the feet
or customize your own 75 mins massage session (eg:45mins body+30mins feet)
+$5 for deep tissue. 
Upgrade to CP(4)Deluxe Massage:Add on Essential oil total: $160 +$10 pay card.
Upgrade to CP(4)Deluxe Massage+Facial:
(105 mins Massage and Facial Deluxe Couples Package)includes 75mins Massage+30mins Facial+Essential Oil+Hot Stone for two :Total$230 +$10 pay card.($115 each)
90-Min Couples Massage (Full body)
“HEAD TO TOE WIND DOWNTotal:$180/pay cah. $190/pay card
Regular: includes 5mins oil-free whole body relaxation massage+45 mins oil back massage (neck, shoulders, arms, upper back, lower back with hot stone treatment on the back )+ 10 mins legs+10 mins head/scalp/face massage+20 mins foot reflexology with hot stone treatment on the feet or customized massage session(Eg: 60ms body+30ms foot.
or 45ms body+45msfoot.
or 60ms body +30ms head/scalp massage)
+$5 for deep tissue. 
Upgrade to CP(5)Deluxe Massage:Add on essential oil for two people: $190 +$10 pay card.($95/each)
Upgrade to CP(5)Deluxe Massage+Facial: (120 mins Massage and Facial Deluxe Couples Package)includes 90mins Massage+30mins Facial +Essential Oil+Hot Stone for two. :Total$260+$10 pay card.($130 each)

CP (6)
120-Min Couples Massage
*hot stone included
*signature hands reflexology, foot reflexology included.
*Organic oil/Organic lotion.
Total:$240+$20 pay card)
($120/ person
Upgrade to CP6 DeluxeMassage+Facial:(150 mins Massage and Facial Deluxe Couples Package)includes 120mins Massage+30mins Facial+Essential Oil+Hot Stone for two
Total: $320 +$10 pay card.($160 each)


(Body+Foot. Back+Foot. Back+Head. Head+Foot. Body+foot+head. Foot+Chair
Body massage + facial)
(Note: Massa
ge packages/combo massage will not include foot bath unless requested in advance) 

REFRESH: 30-Min Foot or Reflexology 

  •  Foot bath+ sea salt +foot reflexology

  •  Hot stone treatment

 30mins---$35(focus on feet and lower legs) 


RENEW:45mins Foot Reflexology

  • Foot Bath +Sea Salt +Foot massage

  • 45mins focus on feet and lower legs

  • or 15mins head/shoulder massage+30mins foot reflexology) (Request in advance) combo 



UNWIND: 90mins Foot Reflexology

  • 15 mins head, shoulders ,arms massage and hands reflexology+ foot bath +sea salt+ foot reflexology +hot stone: 75mins feet+15mins shoulder massage. 

  • or 90mins full session focus on the foot)

  • 90mins----$85.

(3) Chair Massage (Fully clothed, focus on neck & shoulders)
$35/30mins $50/45mins $60/60mins
Fully clothed body massage/Shiatsu Massage
(oil-free table massage) (Oil free)
$40/30mins  $60/60mins 
CUSTOMIZED MASSAGE /PAIN FOCUS THERAPY or Signature head/Scalp/face Massage
$40/30mins  $60/60mins $90/90mins $120/120mins 
Migraine relief Scalp massage
$40/30mins $60/60mins(+$5 pay card) 
One hour facial with head/scalp massage
buy one session get the secd $5 off
$39/30ms  $50/40ms  $70/60ms
Cupping Massage therapy $25.00/session
Buy three sessions get one free         
Massage with Cupping therapy
45 mins massage+20ms cupping=$80
60mins full body massage + extra Cupping therapy =$90
90ms full body massage + extra Cupping therapy  $120
ADD ON SERVICE: Essential oil/Aromatherapy massage
or Organic massage+$5 more/session
Add-on more hot stone + $5/session


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